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Imagen brainly

Simplified Operations

“True communication removes barriers between people and technology, reducing the complexity of managing a Contact Center with our CCaaS platform. Ensure secure and robust operations with integrated solutions for omnichannel communication and artificial intelligence, featuring telephone and agent support functions, service quality management, reporting, and analytics.


Cloud-based solution: flexible and scalable as the business demand grows.

Omnichannel: handle different communication channels.

Features voice assistants, chatbots, and CRM providing efficient and accurate service.

Integrations with different platforms for more efficient management.

Knows Brainly

mockup brainly
Flexible configuration: allows customization of the solution according to your specific needs.
imagen de dashboard
imagen mostrando los canales de atencion

Knows Brainly

¿How it works?

Integrate and manage interactions from multiple channels, such as calls, chats, email, and social media. The platform utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning for this purpose. Brainly’s features include ACD (Automatic Call Distributor), IVR (Interactive Voice Response), outbound campaigns, smart scripts, service quality analysis, reports, and integrations.

Revolutionize the way you communicate



Connect in a unique and personalized way with your users in their most delicate moments.

icono manos entrelazadas


Provide your customers with fast, simple and secure experiences with your financial products and services

icono personas


Automate call scheduling with different types of dialers, maximizing contact and reducing call time.



Do you have your own platform, or is it outsourced?

We are an outsourced platform.


Also knows

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We are a laboratory that aims to transform your company’s communication. Our goal is to create clear, simple, and efficient solutions. We focus on understanding and utilizing the senses as fundamental tools in the communication process.
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We are a laboratory that aims to transform your company’s communication. Our goal is to create clear, simple, and efficient solutions. We focus on understanding and utilizing the senses as fundamental tools in the communication process.