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imagen sentinel

Protection, Control and Efficiency

Sentinel goes further, offering an additional layer, with a comprehensive solution for cybersecurity and productivity management in a single environment. Allowing companies to have greater control and visibility over their operations, while protecting their sensitive data and optimizing workforce efficiency.


Protect sensitive information and prevent data leaks, ensuring the confidentiality of company data.

Monitoring of activities and tracking of exposure times on machines improves efficiency and overall performance.

Communicate with your customers through their preferred chat channel, improving efficiency in customer service.

Conoce Replay

mockup sentinel
Funcionalidades de gestión de aplicaciones autorizadas, control de acceso a sitios restringidos y detección de riesgos de seguridad.
imagen de dashboard
imagen descripcion de estadisticas


¿How it works?

It consists of a web application where security policies are configured and reports and analysis are accessed, and a desktop driver that collects cybersecurity and productivity data. Both are supported and communicate using the infrastructure and services of GCP (Google Cloud Platform) to store and process the collected information.

Revolutionize the way you communicate

foto personas estrechando manos
foto personas contando dinero
foto dash
foto salud
foto personas reunidas
foto mensaje en celular
foto persona hablando por celular



Also knows

Icono de Ipcom
We are a laboratory that aims to transform your company’s communication. Our goal is to create clear, simple, and efficient solutions. We focus on understanding and utilizing the senses as fundamental tools in the communication process.
Icono de Ipcom

We are a laboratory that aims to transform your company’s communication. Our goal is to create clear, simple, and efficient solutions. We focus on understanding and utilizing the senses as fundamental tools in the communication process.